==> language/english/spelling/sets.of.words/word.torture.s <== This problem was discussed in _Word Ways_ in 1974-5. In August 1974, Ralph Beaman, in an article titled "Word Torture", offered the word SHADES, from which one obtains HADES, SHADE; ADES, HADE, SHAD; DES, ADE, HAD, SHA; ES, DE, AD, HA, SH; S, E, D, A, H. All of these are words given in Webster's Third. Since that time, a serious search has been launched for a seven-letter word. The near misses so far are: Date Person Word Missing Aug 74 Ralph Beaman GAMINES INES, GAMI, NES, INE Nov 74 Dmitri Borgmann ABASHED INE, NES, ABASHE, BASHE, ASHE (all in OED) May 75 David Robinson GUNITES GU, GUNIT (using Webster's Second) May 75 David Robinson ETAMINE ETAMI, TAMI (using Webster's Second) May 75 Ralph Beaman MORALES RAL (using Webster's Second) Aug 75 Tom Pulliam SHEAVES EAV (using Webster's Second) Webster's Second has been used for most of the attempts since it contains so many more words than Webster's Third. The seven-letter plateau remains to be achieved.