==> probability/flips/twice.in.run.s <== Well, the question is then how many strings of n h's and t's contain hh? I would guess right off hand that its going to be easier to calculate the number of strings that _don't_ contain hh and then subtract that from the total number of strings. So we want to count the strings of n h's and t's with no hh in them. How many h's and t's can there be? It is fairly clear that there must be from 0 to n/2 h's, inclusive. (If there were (n/2+1) then there would have to be two touching.) How many strings are there with 0 h's? 1 How many strings are there with 1 h? Well, there are (n-1) t's, so there are a total of n places to put the one h. So the are nC1 such strings. How many strings are there with 2 h's? Well, there are (n-1) places to put the two h's, so there are (n-1)C2 such strings. Finally, with n/2 h's there are (n/2+1) places to put them, so there are (n/2+1)C(n/2) such strings. Therefore the total number of strings is Sum (from i=0 to n/2) of (n-i+1)C(i) Now, here's where it get's interesting. If we play around with Pascal's triangle for a while, we see that this sum equals none other than the (n+2)th Fibonacci number. So the probability that n coin tosses will give a hh is: 2^n-f(n+2) ---------- 2^n (where f(x) is the xth Fibanocci number (so that f(1) is and f(2) are both 1))