==> competition/games/risk.s <== Odds calculated with program by David Karr (karr@cs.cornell.edu): Attacker rolls 3 dice, defender rolls 2 dice: Attacker Defender Probability loses loses 0 2 2890/7776 = 0.3716563786 1 1 2611/7776 = 0.3357767490 2 0 2275/7776 = 0.2925668724 Attacker rolls 3 dice, defender rolls 1 dice: Attacker Defender Probability loses loses 0 1 855/1296 = 0.6597222222 1 0 441/1296 = 0.3402777778 Attacker rolls 2 dice, defender rolls 2 dice: Attacker Defender Probability loses loses 0 2 295/1296 = 0.2276234568 1 1 420/1296 = 0.3240740741 2 0 581/1296 = 0.4483024691 Attacker rolls 2 dice, defender rolls 1 dice: Attacker Defender Probability loses loses 0 1 125/216 = 0.5787037037 1 0 91/216 = 0.4212962963 Attacker rolls 1 dice, defender rolls 2 dice: Attacker Defender Probability loses loses 0 1 55/216 = 0.2546296296 1 0 161/216 = 0.7453703704 Attacker rolls 1 dice, defender rolls 1 dice: Attacker Defender Probability loses loses 0 1 15/36 = 0.4166666667 1 0 21/36 = 0.5833333333 ---------------------8<------snip here--------8<-------------------- /* * riskdice.c -- prints Risk dice odds * * This program calculates probabilities for one roll of the dice in Risk. * For each possible number of dice that the attacker might roll, for each * possible number of dice that the defender might roll, this program * lists all the possible outcomes (number of armies lost by attacker * and defender) and the probability of each outcome. * * Copyright 1993 by David A. Karr. */ #define MAX_ATTACK 3 /* max # of dice attacker may roll */ #define MAX_DEFEND 2 /* max # of dice defender may roll */ #define MAX_DICE MAX_ATTACK + MAX_DEFEND void main() { int a; /* number of dice rolled by attacker */ int d; /* number of dice rolled by defender */ void calc(); for (a = MAX_ATTACK; a > 0; --a) { for (d = MAX_DEFEND; d > 0; --d) { calc( a, d ); } } } void calc( a_dice, d_dice ) /* * Purpose: Print odds for the given numbers of dice rolled */ int a_dice; /* number of dice rolled by attacker */ int d_dice; /* number of dice rolled by defender */ { int num_dice; /* total number of dice rolled */ int num_armies; /* # armies that will be lost by both sides, total */ int kill_count[MAX_DEFEND + 1]; /* entry [i] counts # of times attacker loses i armies */ int roll[MAX_DICE + 1]; /* holds one roll of the dice */ int a_roll[MAX_ATTACK]; /* holds attacker's dice */ int d_roll[MAX_DEFEND]; /* holds defender's dice */ int n; /* cursor into the arrays */ int num_lost; /* # of armies lost by the attacker */ int cases; /* total # of events counted */ void dsort(); /* * The method is pure brute force. roll[] is set successively to * all possible rolls of the total number of dice; for each roll * the number of armies lost by the attacker (the outcome) is * computed and the event is counted. * Since all the counted events are equiprobable, the count of each * outcome merely needs to be scaled down by the total count to * obtain the probability of that outcome. */ /* The number of armies at stake is min(a_dice, d_dice) */ num_armies = a_dice < d_dice ? a_dice : d_dice; /* initialize event counters */ for (n = 0; n <= num_armies; ++n) kill_count[n] = 0; /* * The roll[] array is treated as a funny odometer whose wheels each * go from 1 to 6. Each roll of the dice appears in roll[0] through * roll[num_dice - 1], starting with all 1s and counting up to all 6s. * roll[num_dice] is used to detect when the other digits have * finished a complete cycle (it is tripped when they go back to 1s). */ num_dice = a_dice + d_dice; for (n = 0; n <= num_dice; ++n) roll[n] = 1; while (roll[num_dice] == 1) { /* examine a new possible roll of the dice */ /* * copy attacker's and defender's dice so as not to disturb * the "odometer" reading. */ for (n = 0; n < a_dice; ++n) a_roll[n] = roll[n]; for (n = 0; n < d_dice; ++n) d_roll[n] = roll[n + a_dice]; /* * sort attacker's and defender's dice, highest first. */ dsort(a_roll, a_dice); dsort(d_roll, d_dice); /* * compare attacker's and defender's dice, count attacker's loss */ num_lost = 0; for (n = 0; n < num_armies; ++n) if (d_roll[n] >= a_roll[n]) ++num_lost; ++kill_count[num_lost]; /* * Find next roll values (bump the "odometer" up one tick). */ n = 0; roll[0] += 1; while (roll[n] > 6) { /* place [n] rolled over */ roll[n] = 1; /* Carry 1 into the next place (which may in turn roll over) */ ++n; roll[n] += 1; } } cases = 0; for (n = 0; n <= num_armies; ++n) cases += kill_count[n]; printf( "Attacker rolls %d dice, defender rolls %d dice:\n\n", a_dice, d_dice ); printf( "Attacker Defender Probability\n" ); printf( " loses loses\n" ); for (n = 0; n <= num_armies; ++n) printf( "%5d %5d %5d/%d = %12.10lf\n", n, num_armies - n, kill_count[n], cases, ((double) kill_count[n]) / ((double) cases) ); printf( "\n\n" ); } void dsort( array, length ) /* * Sort the given array in descending order. */ int *array; int length; /* number of slots in the array */ { int level, n, tmp; /* Use bubble sort since the array will be tiny in this application */ for (level = 0; level < length - 1; ++level) { /* * Slots [0] through [level - 1] are already "stable." * Bubble up the value that belongs in the [level] slot. */ for (n = length - 1; n > level; --n) { if (array[n - 1] < array[n]) { /* swap them */ tmp = array[n - 1]; array[n - 1] = array[n]; array[n] = tmp; } } } }