==> competition/tests/math/putnam/putnam.1967.p <== In article <5840002@hpesoc1.HP.COM>, nicholso@hpesoc1.HP.COM (Ron Nicholson) writes: > Say that we have a hallway with n lockers, numbered from sequentialy > from 1 to n. The lockers have two possible states, open and closed. > Initially all the lockers are closed. The first kid who walks down the > hallway flips every locker to the opposite state, that is, opens them > all. The second kid flips the first locker door and every other locker > door to the opposite state, that is, closes them. The third kid flips > every third door, opening some, closing others. The forth kid does every > fourth door, etc. > > After n kid have passed down the hallway, which lockers are open, and > which are closed? B4. (a) Kids run down a row of lockers, flipping doors (closed doors are opened and opened doors are closed). The nth boy flips every nth lockers' door. If all the doors start out closed, which lockers will remain closed after infinitely many kids?