==> language/english/pronunciation/homograph/homographs.s <== This list organized by Mark Brader Classes: A - All of the following "defects" absent B - Basic meanings are related C - Capitalization differs ("capitonyms") D - Different spellings also exist (US vs UK, hyphenation, etc.) E - Equal pronunciations also exist (US vs UK, regional, etc.) F - Foreign word, or may be distinguished with accent marks G - Gcontrived :-), coined, jargon, or other uncommon word 3 - 3-way homograph 4 - 4-way homograph B abstract {corresponding noun and verb; henceforth abbreviated NV} B abuse {NV} B addict {NV} B advocate {NV} BG affect {alter; emotion} B affiliate {NV} B affix {NV} G agape {wide open; form of love} B aggregate {NV} G ai {sloth; ouch!} BE ally {NV} B alternate {NV} BD analyses {plural noun; singular verb (UK)} B animate {verb; adjective} A appropriate {take posession of; suitable} B approximate {verb; adjective} E are {form of to be; unit of area} B arithmetic {noun; adjective} B articulate {verb; adjective} 4DFG as {like; Roman coin; Persian card game; pl. of a} B aspirate {NV} B associate {NV} A ate {past of eat; recklessness} B attribute {NV} C august A axes {plural of ax; plural of axis} A bases {plural of base; plural of basis} A bass {~ fiddle; fishing for ~} BE blessed {prosperous; he ~ her} A bow(ed) {~ and arrow; ~ to the king} E buffet {jostle; ~ lunch} B bustier {undergarment; more busty} B close {~ call; ~ the door} B closer {door ~; more close} B coagulate {NV} G coax {urge; coaxial cable} 3FG colon {":"; colonial farmer; Costa Rican monetary unit} B combat {NV} B combine {NV} A commune {take Communion; administrative district} A compact {closely arranged; treaty} B compound {NV} B compress {NV} B conduct {NV} B confect {NV} B confines {NV} B conflict {NV} B conglomerate {NV} B conjugate {NV} BE conserve {preserve; jam} A console {soothe; keyboard desk} B consort {NV} B construct {NV} B consummate {verb; adjective} BE contact {NV} E content {what is contained; satisfied} B contest {NV} B contract {NV} B contrast {NV} BG convent {nunnery; convene} A converse {logic term; to talk} B convert {NV} B convict {NV} BE coordinate {NV} FG dame {woman; term in the game of Go} DE decameter {poetic line with 10 feet; 10 meters (US)} B defect {flaw; turn traitor} E defense {sports term; fortification} BE delegate {NV} B deliberate {adjective; verb} A desert {leave alone; Sahara ~} B desolate {adjective; verb} D dingy {dull; small boat} BE discharge {NV} B discriminate {distinguish; opposite of indiscriminate} E divers {plural diver; various} F do {perform; tonic note of scale} A does {~ the buck see the ~?} A dove {dived; pigeon} F dozen {12; stun (Scottish)} B drawer {one who draws; chest of ~s} B duplicate {NV} B elaborate {verb; adjective} A entrance {door; delight} BDE envelop(e) {NV} G ergotism {logical reasoning; ergot poisoning} B escort {NV} B essay {piece of writing; try} B estimate {NV} CFG ewe {female sheep; African language} B excuse {NV} B exploit {NV} BF expose {NV} B ferment {NV} E fiasco {failure; bottle} BDE fillet {cut of meat/fish; band of ribbon/wood} A flower {one who flows; bloom} G formal {ceremonious; methylal} DEG genet {civetlike animal; horselike animal} A gill {volume unit; organ in fish} A glower {sullen look; one that glows} B graduate {NV} F he {pronoun; Hebrew letter} CE herb {name; plant} A hinder {hamper; posterior} B house {NV} B import {NV} A incense {infuriate; perfume for burning} B increase {NV} B initiate {NV} B insert {NV} B insult {NV} B intern {NV} A intimate {~ relations; to suggest} A invalid {cripple; erroneous} B invite {NV} G is {form of to be; plural of i} B jagged {slashed or cut; having a zigzag edge} C Job BCF jubilate {rejoice; joyous song} CF junker/Junker 3A lather {suds; lath worker; lathe worker} A lead {~ pipe; ~ astray} BE legged {past tense verb; adjective} CF Lima B live {~ in peace; ~ audience} B lives {~ in peace; for all of our ~} D lower {to let down; frown} F manes {plural of mane; Roman gods} F mate {friend; type of tea} D micrometer {measuring device; .000001 meter (US)} A minute {60 seconds; tiny} B misconduct {NV} BE mobile {movable; wind-blown sculpture} B moderate {NV} EG molar {back tooth; chemical term} A moped {brooded; fun vehicle} BE mouse {rodent; to hunt them} B mouth {NV} A mow {pile of hay; to cut down} B multiply {verb; adverb} A number {decimal ~; more numb} B object {thing; complain} E offense {sports term; attack} 3DG os {bone; esker; pl. of o} A overage {too old; surplus} BD paralyses {plural noun; singular verb (UK)} A pasty {pastelike; British meat pie} 3FG pate {head; food paste; porcelain paste for ceramics} A peaked {sharply pointed; unhealthy looking} A peer {equal; one who pees} B perfect {verb; adjective} G periodic {regularly occurring; ~ acids, HIO4 and related substances} B permit {NV} C Placer C polish A poll {head; group of students} B predicate {NV} BE premise {NV} B present {NV} E primer {intro book/material (US); device for priming} B proceeds {goes; income} B produce {give rise to; fruits and vegetables} B progress {to move forward; work in ~} A project {planned undertaking; to throw forward} BE prospect {NV} B protest {NV} A pussy {cat; infected} B putter/putting {golf club; one that puts} DG rabat {clerical garment; pottery piece used for polishing} DG rabbi {clerical garment; Jewish religious official} B ragged {teased; tattered} F re {pertaining to; 2nd note of scale} B read {present tense; past tense} C Reading F real {actual; former Spanish coin} B rebel {NV} B recess {NV} B recoil {NV} B record {NV} D recreate {relax; create again} 3BD redress {compensate; compensation; dress again} B refill {NV} B refund {NV} B refuse {NV} B regress {NV} B reject {NV} E repent {regret; creeping} B replay {NV} D represent {stand for; present again} B rerun {NV} D research {investigate; search again} A resent {be indignant; sent again} D reserve {hold back; serve again} D resign {quit; sign again} D resolve {settle dispute; solve again} D resort {vacation spot; sort again} F resume {work summary; restart} A river {watercourse; one who rives} F rose {flower; wine} DE routing {making a route for (US spelling); woodworking term} A row {a fight; ~,~,~ your boat} DF sake {purpose; Japanese drink} 3AF salve {ointment; salvage; hail!} 3BE second {2nd; 1/60 minute; transfer to temporary job} B segment {NV} B separate {NV} A severer {cutter; more severe} A sewer {storm ~; one who sews} A shower {one who shows; ~ stall} A singer {one who singes; one who sings} A skied {past tense of ski; past tense of sky} A slaver {slave taker; drool} A slough {swamp; cast-off} A sow {~ seeds; female pig} A stingy {meager; able to sting} EG stipulate {request explicitly; having stipules} EG stupe {hot compress as counterirritant; stupid person} B subject {NV} A supply {in a supple way; ~ and demand} B survey {NV} B suspect {NV} G swinger {whopper; one that swings} G swingle {flax beating tool; single person who "swings"} B syndicate {NV} CF tang {flavor; Chinese dynasty} A tarry {covered in tar; dawdle} A tear {~ down; shed a ~} A thou {you; slang for thousand} A thymic {of thyme; of thymus} A tier {one who ties; row or rank} B torment {NV} A tower {one who tows; leaning ~} B transfer {NV} B transplant {NV} B transport {NV} DG unionized {~ labor; ~ hydrogen} B upset {NV} G us {we; plural of u} B use {NV} A violist {viol player; viola player} A wind {~ the clock; north ~} CF worms A wound {injury; wrapped around} E yak {ox; laugh}