==> language/english/pronunciation/homophone/homophones.alphabet.s <== A as in isle (aisle) B as in dell (bdell-) (combining form) C as in teen (ctene) D as in gin (djin) E as in air (ere) F as in phrase (frays) ('f' sound present) G as in new (gnu) H as in air (heir) I as in use (ius) J as in yuca (juca) K as in need (knead) L as in have (halve) (not first letter) M as in nemic (mnemic) (contains m) N as in dam (damn) (not first letter) O as in wed (oued) P as in salmon (psammon) Q as in key (quay) R as in foxhole (forecastle) (not first letter; pronunciation off) S as in eyelet (islet) (not first letter) T as in sign (tsine) U as in wang (uang) V as in fro (vrow) W as in rest (wrest) X as in jurel (xurel) Y as in the (ye) Z as in sabra (zabra) *** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.