==> language/english/pronunciation/homophone/trivial.s <== be = bee ==> e is trivial; ail = ale ==> i is trivial; week = weak ==> a is trivial; lie = lye ==> y is trivial; to = too ==> o is trivial; two = to ==> w is trivial; hour = our ==> h is trivial; faggot = fagot ==> g is trivial; bowl = boll ==> l is trivial; gell = jel ==> j is trivial; you = ewe ==> u is trivial; damn = dam ==> n is trivial; limb = limn ==> b is trivial; bass = base ==> s is trivial; cede = seed ==> c is trivial; knead = need ==> k is trivial; add = ad ==> d is trivial; awful = offal ==> f is trivial; gram = gramme ==> m is trivial; grip = grippe ==> p is trivial; cue = queue ==> q is trivial; carrel = carol ==> r is trivial; butt = but ==> t is trivial; lox = locks ==> x is trivial; tsar = czar ==> z is trivial; vlei = flay ==> v is trivial. For a related problem, see _The Jimmy's Book_ (_The American Mathematical Monthly_, Vol. 93, Num. 8 (Oct. 1986), p. 637): Consider the free group on twenty-six letters A, ..., Z. Mod out by the relation that defines two words to be equivalent if (a) one is a permutation of the other and (b) each appears as a legitimate English word in the dictionary. Identify the center of this group. -- clong@remus.rutgers.edu (Chris Long)