==> language/english/pronunciation/oronym.s <== Phrases: a name an aim a nice man an ice man a notion an ocean append up end bang cat bank at be quiet Beek Wyatt bean ice be nice bee feeder beef eater beer drips beard rips buys ink buy zinc catch it cat shit catch ooze cat chews Cato Kay toe damn pegs damp eggs field red feel dread forced air four stair fork reeps four creeps form ate four mate freed Annie free Danny grade A gray day grasp rice grass price great ape grey tape her butter herb utter hiatus Hy ate us homemaker hoe-maker I scream ice cream I stink iced ink it sprays it's praise it swings its wings keep sticking keeps ticking known ocean no notion lawn chair launch air may cough make off new Deal nude eel new direction nude erection night rate nitrate pawn shop paunch op peace talks pea stalks pinch air pin chair play taught plate ought plum pie plump eye scar face scarf ace seal eyeing see lying see Mabel seem able see the meat see them eat seize ooze see zoos sick squid six quid slide rule sly drool standards-based standard-spaced stay dill stayed ill that's tough that stuff the suns rays meet the sons raise meat thing call think all tour an two ran tulips two lips twenty six ones twenty sick swans we'll own we loan well done other weld another white shoes why choose yelp at yell Pat your crimes York rhymes youth read you thread Sentences: A politician's fate often hangs in a [delicate / delegate] balance. Any [grey day/grade A] would be bad news for one professor I know. Are you aware of the words you have [just uttered / just stuttered]? He would kill Hamlet for [that reason / that treason]. How did you do in the [contest / Kant test]? I don't know how [mature/much your] people enjoy such a show. I have [known oceans/no notions] that you yourself couldn't imagine. I like [sadder day/ Saturday]. If you listen you can hear the [night rain / night train]. I'm taking [a nice / an ice] cold shower. Oh, no! [This guy/The sky] is falling! Reading in the library is sometimes [allowed / aloud]. [Some others / Some mothers] I've seen... That reflects the [secretariat's sphere / secretariat's fear] of competence. That's the [biggest hurdle / biggest turtle] I've ever seen! The [stuffy nose / stuff he knows] can lead to problems. Where is the [spice center / spy center]? [White shoes: / Why choose] the trademark of Pat Boone[./?] You'd be surprised to see a [mint spy / mince pie] in your bank. See also: the archive entry "telegrams" References: Barry, W J, 1981, Internal Juncture and Speech Communication, Arbeitsberichte. Institut fu"r Phonetik. University of Kiel. Vol 16. Brandreth, Giles, _The Joy of Lex_, 1980, New York: William Morrow and Co., pp. 58-59, who coined the word "oronym" Cutler & Butterfield, Rhythmic Cues to Speech Segmentation. Evidence from juncture misperception, 1992, Journal of Memory and Language, Vol 31(2) 218-236 Provides materials in context frames where the alternative segmentations lead to one Vs two word parsings: in furs Vs infers. Grice, Martine and Hazan, Valerie, 1989, The assessment of synthetic speech intelligibility using semantically unpredictable sentences, Speech, Hearing and Language, Work in Progress, University College London. The inferior quality of the synthetic speech often caused more than one type of error at once (bright eye -> dry tie). Hoard, James E., `Juncture and syllable structure', Phonetica 15, 1966, 96-109 Hockett, Charles F. Hockett, _A Course in Modern Linguistics_, New York: Macmillan, 1958, 54-61 Lehiste, Ilse. 1960. An acoustic-phonetic study of internal open juncture. Phonetica 5 (supplement). pp. 5-54. Nakatani L. H. & Dukes, K.D., 1977, Locus of Segmental Cues to Word Juncture, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol 62, pp 714-719 and Price P, Ostendorf M, Shattuck-Huffnagel S & Fong C (1991) "The use of prosody in syntactic disambibuation" JASA 90 (6) pp2956-2970. It has some good examples,