==> language/english/pronunciation/telegrams.s <== These are from an old "Games" magazine: UTICA CHANSON MIGRATE INVENTION ANNUAL KNOBBY SORRY IN FACTUAL BEEN CLOVER. You take a chance on my great invention and you'll not be sorry. In fact, you'll be in clover. WEED LICHEN ICE CHEST FOREARM OTHER DISGUISE DELIMIT. We'd like a nice chest for our mother; the sky's the limit. CANCEL MYOCARDIA ITS INFORMAL FUNCTION. Can't sell my ol' car dear; it's in for malfunction. YEARN AFFIX, LOST UKASE, UGANDA JAIL, CONSERVE TENURES YACHT APPEAL. You're in a fix. Lost your case. You goin' to jail. Can serve ten years. You ought to appeal. EYELET SHEILA INDIA HOUSE SHEILAS TURKEY. I let Sheila in their house; she lost her key. BOB STILT SEA, CANTANKEROUS BOAT, HUMUS GOAD IMMORTAL DECOS GUARD. Bob's still at sea; can't anchor his boat. You must go to him or tell the coast guard. MARY SINBAD SHEER TOURNEY AUGUSTA WIND NOCTURNE TOOTHBRUSH. Mary's in bed; she hurt her knee. A gust of wind knocked her into the brush. WHINE YOSEMITE NAMES SOY CAN PHILATELIST. Why don't you (why'n'ya) send me the names, so I can fill out a list. ALBEIT DETRACT UNIVERSE EDIFY MUSTAFA TICKET TICKET IN. I'll be at the track and I have a receipt if I must have a ticket to get in. Here are some others not from "Games": BRUISES HURT ERASED AFFORD ERECTED TOO Bruce is hurt. He raced a Ford. He wrecked it, too.